Management Summary Industrial Machine Learning

Management Summary of the Market Study Industrial Machine Learning

Find out in our market study “Industrial Machine Learning” how you can increase your product and process quality using highly optimised algorithms. Read how a cooperation with the appropriate machine learning Provider can help achieve the goals you have set. Furthermore, machine learning allows you to plan maintenance measures better in the future and make workflows more efficient. In addition to an introduction to machine learning, the summary offers a landscape and selected profiles from numerous providers. At the heart of the profiles are numerous use cases, which vividly describe which use cases have already been implemented. The market study thus proves the real applicability of machine learning in everyday industrial life.

Download our management summary here now and receive the first six company use cases free of charge!

Content of our Management Summary:

  1. Preface
  2. Motivation and aim
  3. Machine Learning – Development, Challenges, Fields of application
  4. Machine Learning Landscape
  5. Learning Methods and Algorithms of machine Learning
  6. Success factor for the implementation of Machine Learning
  7. Analysis of the Market Study
  8. Profiles and Use Cases (Shortened version – 6 out of 31 complete profiles)
  9. Initiators
  10. Project Team

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